The Ten-Minute-Guide To Starting A Blog
This article is a fast-and-furious guide to starting a blog - with a focus on getting started rather than researching to the nth degree. Months ago, I started a properly researched article about "how to started with blogging". It's still a work in progress, and when it eventually gets finished it will have some great advice about researching blog-concepts and choosing great names. But today I needed a quick-and-dirty version, for someone who doesn't need SEO or a fancy name. Here's what I shared with them. How to get started with making a blog Know your objectives Think about what you want to do, what you want to write about, and what you want to achieve from it. Write this down. Be prepared to revisit these objectives every time you need to make a decision about something. Imagine you need to choose between a girly-pink looking template or rugged-outdoors one. Simple - just look at your objectives and see who you're writing for. Choose...