How To Turn On A Mobile Theme / Template For Blogs In Blogger
This article explains why mobile mattes for some blogs (but not all), what tools Blogger has provided to help with this, and how to set up a mobile theme (aka template) for your blog. It also links to Google's mobile testing tool, which shows you how your blog looks on a mobile device. By default, when someone uses a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device to look at your blog, they see the "full site" just like they would if they were using a PC. The pages aren't set up to work well on their small screen, but they have access to all the features and gadgets you've installed. In some cases, this is fine. For example, when I first wrote this article, I looked at the statistics for this site and hardly any of the visitors were mobile. However now, a couple of years later things have changed and I've implemented a mobile theme for this blog. But for other blogs, especially ones that have maps and other location-information or which people...