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The Difference Between Themes And Templates In Blogger

This article explains the difference between themes and templates in Blogger, Google's blogging tool. What is (was) a Blogger template How a blog that is made with Blogger is shown to a visitor is controlled by four sets of information: The posts which the blogger writes (ie the content) A user-editable "configuration file" which records the overall formatting options which the file designer and then the blogger have chosen Another configuration file, called the post-template , which records choices that the blogger has made under Layout > Blog posts (edit), but cannot be edited elsewhere.    Blogger's own software, which puts the other things together with some internal rules to make "web pages".   Bloggers cannot control the rules in this at all. Originally, the first "configuration file" was called a template .   In fact, officially it was called a design-template , to distinguish it from the post-template.   However because ...

How To Turn On A Mobile Theme / Template For Blogs In Blogger

This article explains why mobile mattes for some blogs (but not all), what tools Blogger has provided to help with this, and how to set up a mobile theme (aka template) for your blog.  It also links to Google's mobile testing tool, which shows you how your blog looks on a mobile device. By default, when someone uses a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device to look at your blog, they see the "full site" just like they would if they were using a PC.   The pages aren't set up to work well on their small screen, but they have access to all the features and gadgets you've installed. In some cases, this is fine.  For example, when I first wrote this article, I looked at the statistics for this site  and hardly any of the visitors were mobile.   However now, a couple of years later things have changed and I've implemented a mobile theme for this blog. But for other blogs, especially ones that have maps and other location-information or which people...

Advertising & Blogger: Things To Consider

This article discusses some things to keep in mind when you are putting advertising on your blog. If you are considering putting advertising onto your blog, there are some basic things that you need to think about.  These include broader philosophical questions, right down to nuts-and-bolts technical concerns. This article is not a definitive guide - see somewhere like ProBlogger for that.   Rather it's a collections of thoughts about the issues specifically related to Google's Blogger and its relationship with advertisers.   And it may include some thoughts about philosophical and policy issues, if I do any deep research or thinkng about these in the future. Terms and Conditions There are lots and lots of possible advertising and affiliate marketing programmes . Staying within the programme of terms and conditions (often called T&C's) for every programme that you participate in is important.   Every advertising programme has terms and conditio...

Use Google Takeout To Back Up All Your Blogs At Once

This article shows how to use Google's Takeout service to make a copy of the contents of all your blogs at the same time. A backup is a copy that you can use to restore from if something goes wrong.  For your personal compter, you may have a backup copy of the files on your hard-drive, so that if you lose the machine, you can get the files back, usually with a little work. In blogging terms, a backup of your blog is a copy that you can use if you accidentally delete a post, or lose control of your blog, or perhaps even a copy of a blog that you have deleted but still want some last-chance access to. Unfortunately Blogger does not offer a complete solution for backing up our blogs .    Instead, we need to take separate actions to back up our gadget settings , our template when it is being edited , and our post-contents. You can back up the posts from one content from the Settings > Other > Blog Tools  tab.  If you choose the Export Blog ...

How To Put A Gadget Above Your Blog's Header

This article is about how to put an item (any type of gadget) above the Title section in a blog made with Google Blogger. If your blog has a layout or designer theme / template , then it most probably has a nav-bar at the top of the screen, followed by a Header section showing your blogs title & description, or a custom header image if you've uploaded one. And even if you go into the place in the layout-designer where you can re-arrange the layout by drag-and-dropping items, you cannot drag any gadgets to above the header . But this is easy to change, provided you are willing to accept the disadvantages of editing your blog's theme . How to allow changes above your blog's header Follow these steps to make it possible for you (or any blog administrator ) to add gadgets to the area about your blog's heading section: 1  Edit your blog's theme  in the usual way 2   Find this code in your theme: <b:section class='header' id='...

Putting A Badge For A Facebook Page Into Your Blog

This article describes making a Facebook badge to promote your page, and putting it onto your blog. What is a Facebook page This article is about how to make a badge to promote a Facebook  Page . This is an example of the "follow me" approach to linking your blog and the social networks , although for Facebook pages your reader becomes a Fan rather than a Friend. Many people are confused about when they should use each of the types of "thing" in Facebook, ie Profiles - accounts for flesh-and-blood, living, breathing, individual people Pages - for websites, brands, and organisations that don't want to approve all their Facebook members Groups -  for organisations that want to approve individual members who join (and in return, group-owners can send private messages to individual members. The most common "thing" for blogs to have is a Page - and a Badge is the tool which Facebook provides to help you to promote a Page on your blog or...